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Unit-6: Library Management-Basics

Classical Management Theory (1880's-1920's) which is organisation-centred

Scientific management -Frederick W. Taylor (1850-1915)

Taylor and his followers (Carl George Berth, Henry L Gantt, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, etc.)

Administrative management, (Henry Fayol, C.I. Barnard, Lurwick)

Bureaucratic organisation (Max Weber).

Neoclassical Theory (1920's-1950's) which is person-centered and human oriented and has emphasised the needs, behaviours and attitudes of individuals

Human relations schools (Elton Mayo, F.J. Roethlisberger, W.J Dickson) 

Behavioural schools (Maslow, McGregor, Argyris, Herzberg, Lickert, Lewin).

Modern Management Theory (1950's-) which emphasises the complete
employee view by revisionist researcher (Litchfield) which includes systems
theory, contingency theory, organisational humanism and management science.

Managerial functions

Newman and Summer have identified four functions namely, organising, planning, leading and controlling.

Henri Fayol has recommended five basic functions namely, planning, organising, commanding, coordinating and controlling.

Luther Gulick and L. Urwick have coined an acronym for seven functions namely POSDCORB which stands for Planning, Organising, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting and Budgeting.

14 Principles of Management : Fayol

Division of work
Unity of command
Unity of direction
Subordination of individual interest to general interest
Remuneration of personnel
Scalar chain
Stability of tenure of personnel
Esprit De Corps

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