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J&K State Eligibility Test 2013 General Paper 1 (43-50)


Read the following passage and answer the questions from S. No. 1 to 6 :
The actual course of human evolution before the dawn of history is traced chiefly by the tools and ornaments left by human beings, but also, though to a much smaller extent, by actual human remains in the shape of bones. From the evidence of tools, especially flint instruments, we can trace human progress more in detail. First came the crude objects known as eoliths– flints that needed only a few rough chips to make them serviceable. Then, in the Old Stone Age, the flints were definitely shaped, but never polished. In the New Stone Age they were polished too; but though bone was widely used, we never get a trace of metals. Then began the age of metals, first with bronze and then with iron; and with that we are at the beginning of recorded history. What is interesting is to find that progress becomes more and more rapid as time goes on. We may date the earliest know flint implement at something like half a million years ago. At least threequarters, probably nine-tenths, of that time had passed before humans learnt to polish flints. The age of bronze started perhaps ten thousand years ago, as apparently did the first agriculture. Practically all history is crowded into five thousand years, while the last thousand alone have been responsible for a whole host of fundamental inventions like printing, gunpowder, anaesthetics, mechanical transport, flying, wireless and the control over bacterial diseases. From human beings’ first beginnings until the present, the rate of progress has been growing more and more rapid; and there are no signs that it is slackening now. Humanity is biologically still youthful. Once the human type of mind originated, it brought with it speech and, as a result, permanent tradition, first by means of speech alone, then also by means of writing and later by printing. Through tradition humans come to differ fundamentally from all other organisms; for tradition provides a new method of inheritance, which simulates the inheritance of acquired characters and makes possible the passing on to later generations of the results of learning and of training. It is on tradition that the social environment depends, and what we call human progress has almost all been progress in our tradition.
1. The above passage links :
Biological evolution and archaeology
Animal evolution and human evolution
Biological evolution and human progress
Cultural and moral progress

2. Eoliths are :
Rough, unpolished flints
Rough, polished flints
Shaped, but unpolished, flints
Polished, definitely-shaped flints

3. Agriculture started at the same time as :
The time when flints were polished
The New Stone Age
The Bronze Age
The Iron Age

4. The author says that humanity is biologically still youthful because :
Human history is crowded into the last five thousand years
Progress becomes more and more rapid with time
Human beings look youthful
Human beings have learnt how to fly

5. Arrange the following in the correct sequence :
Writing, speech, printing
Speech, printing, writing
Printing, writing, speech
Speech, writing, printing

6. Tradition provides a new method of inheritance which :
Allows us to enjoy music and the fine arts
Simulates the inheritance of acquired biological characteristics
Destroys our social structure
Deprives later generations of the fruits of learning and knowledge

7. The scientific study of the relationship between living organisms and their living and non-living environment is known as :

8. The full form of IPCC is :
Indian Panel for Climate Change
International Panel for Climate Change
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Intergovernmental Panel for Planning Change

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