a) Lamination
According. to Ranganathan "when the basic layer is a basic subject and the other layers are isolate ideas, a compound subject is formed"
Kind 1: One or more isolate facets are laminated over a basic facet. This results in compound subjects.
Anatomy of the human body.
Treatment of diseases of plant
Kind 2: Two or more sub-facets of a compound facet are laminated over one another.
Ayurvedic system of medicine
b) Loose Assemblage: Loose assemblage is assembling together of two or more of:
a)subjects (basic or compound)
b)isolate ideas (in one and the same facet, or isolate ideas in one and the same array)
Loose assemblage may be of three kinds
Kind 1 Examples:
1) General relation between political science and economics
2) Statistics for librarians
3) Influence of geography on history
Kind 2 Examples:
1) Influence of Buddhism on Christianity
2) Difference between Lemuroidea and Anthropoidea
Kind 3 Examples:
Medicine - Ayurvedic system - tropical environment child.
c) Fission: Fission is the process of division or splitting or breaking up into parts
Examples: natural sciences, useful arts, humanities, social sciences,
d) Fusion
Examples: Astrophysics, Biolinguists, Astrochemistry, Sociolinguists,Bio-physics Educametry,Medical Jurisprudence, Socio-cybernetics, etc.
e) Distillation :
Examples:Statistical calculus, Microbiology, Anesthesiology, International relations, Ergonomics, Forestry, Research Methodology, Metrology, Standardisation, Management Science, Museology, Systemology
f) Clustering:
Examples:area study, Gandhiana, soil sciences.Sinology (Chinese studies), Nippinology (Japanese studies).
g) Agglomeration: Agglomeration (earlier called partial comprehension) is the process of collecting together of entities into larger masses without cohesion among the components
Examples:natural sciences, psychology and sociology,
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