UGC NET December 2018 Paper 2 Library Science (11-20)

1. Who was the first Librarian of the Imperial Library, India ?
(1) Harinath De
(2) J.A. Chapman
(3) John Macfarlane
(4) Khan Bahadur M.A. Asadullah

2.Who developed information literacy logo ?

3.'Touchpoint' end-user discovery service is provided by
(1) ALA
(2) OCLC
(3) LC
(4) SLA

4.Which of the following models of communication is also called ABX model of communication ?
(1) Wilbur Schramm and Osgood model of communication
(2) George Gerbner's model of communication
(3) Theodore M. Newcomb's model of communication
(4) Westley and MacLean's model of communication

5.'UNIMARC' is a contribution of
(1) LC
(2) OCLC
(3) IFLA

6. A set of best practices for publishing and interlinking structured data on the web is known as
(1) Web data
(2) Linked data
(3) Unmarked data
(4) Distributed data

7.According to S.R. Ranganathan, reference service providing using a chain of books, periodicals and other materials is called as
(1) Reach-me-down Service
(2) Short Range Reference Service
(3) Information and Referral Service
(4) Long Range Reference Service

8.Vidya Mitra, integrated e-content portal of INFLIBNET is a web-based portal consisting of all econtent development under
(1) Swayam ñ Prabha
(2) NME ñ ICT
(3) Unnat Bharat Abhiyan
(4) ICSSR Data Service

9. In PRECIS 'f' and 'g' in secondary operators represent
(1) Core concepts
(2) Coordinate concepts
(3) Special classes of action
(4) Extra core concepts

10. Identify from the following which publication is not excluded from Indian National Bibliography.
(1) Maps
(2) First issue of a new periodical
(3) Musical scores
(4) Ephemerals

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